Crafting a Morin khuur, the revered Mongolian traditional musical instrument, from plywood was a journey of innovation and creativity that spanned two months of intensive work. Departing from the traditional design, I embraced a more modern aesthetic, infusing the instrument with contemporary elements while paying homage to its cultural heritage.
Utilizing plywood as my medium, I embarked on the meticulous process of carving and shaping, infusing each component with a sleek and streamlined aesthetic. The iconic horsehead scroll was reimagined with a modern twist, incorporating clean lines and minimalist design elements that reflected a fusion of tradition and innovation.
Throughout the process, I remained committed to preserving the essence of the Morin khuur while exploring new possibilities for expression and creativity. The result was a striking reinterpretation of a beloved tradition, a testament to the enduring relevance of Mongolian culture in the modern world.